Monday, December 5, 2011

Let's Do This!

December 5, 2011

We are still at the hospital but after Keith gets an echo cardiogram and a lumbar puncture, sometime tomorrow, we will be going home. Wednesday he will have his chemo port inserted, Thursday we meet with the oncologist for further discussion, chemo treatment education class, bone marrow test and Monday will be his first chemo treatment. Sounds like he and I will be rather busy for the foreseeable future.  

When we met with the oncologist earlier today, I found him to be very informative, personable and he did not rush through our meeting. Keith and I have total confidence in his ability to determine the best course of action and we feel comforted by his willingness to spend time with us without making us feel rushed. I like knowing no question is too minor. He leaves me with the impression that he truly cares about helping his patients and not simply about making the almighty dollar. No one wants to go through this experience but if it is necessary it sure is nice to feel like you count as a person rather than a  statistic.

Keith is moving around better everyday and his sense of humor is still in tact. We know we will be needing our sense of humor in the coming months but we are also aware that there will be moments, more than we'll probably like, that will not seem so laugh worthy. For now, we are trying to digest all of the information we were given pertaining to his diagnosis and treatment plan. Wow, overwhelming comes to mind but we will forge ahead and do what we have to do in order to get him well. We are taking a positive approach to this knowing that with God all things are possible. For now, I myself feel ready to do battle, to stay strong when my knees get weak and to be here for Keith. He has always been a fighter and I expect no less from him in the face of this challenge. Judging by the way he has handled this from the time he awoke from surgery, he expects no less from himself. God has been good to us throughout our marriage and we will continue to trust in him as we walk this road. 

I can feel the prayers of so many lifting us up and it is that and God's love which keeps both of us going. There will be some tough times ahead, I'm sure of that, but I hope to help my husband, to support him in any way I can, to be his strength when he feels weak and to be the wife God has called me to be since the day we were married forty four years ago. I haven't always been the best wife but I always meant to be. I guess God is giving me another chance to be the wife Keith deserves. The commitment I made all those years ago remains as strong as ever, for better or worse, for richer for poorer and in SICKNESS and in health, this is my solemn vow. I am looking forward to many more years with him by my side. So sweetie, I know you will read this and I say let's do this! 

Trust in me, even when you hurt and my grace will see you through
far beyond the stormy skies that overshadow you.
I’ll bring you to that sunny day that you have longed to see
when in your pain you call my name and place your faith in me.

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