Friday, September 18, 2020

 This November fifth Keith and I will celebrate being married fifty-three years. Someone tell me where the years have gone, please! I remember thinking, on that day, that we were the only two people in the world who could possibly love each other so much, ah young love. I was two months short of my seventeenth birthday (I know, I know, I was very young) and Keith was nineteen. There were people who thought, because I was so young, that we had to get married, but that was not the case at all. We simply knew what we wanted. Looking back after all these years I know without a shadow of a doubt that God had His hand on us all along. There were those, I'm certain, who expected our marriage to fail but that was something we never even considered. We took vows and intended to honor them, regardless of what we faced and we have continued that philosophy to this day. We have had our ups and downs, like any couple, but made sure to never use the word divorce as a weapon. If you open yourself up to that tactic it will one day become your way out even if the situation is reparable and love still exists. Divorce hurts so many people and should always be the last resort. I am grateful that we never had to walk that path as I have seen the pain it can cause in the lives of people I love. 

  I do not claim to know all the answers on how to have a good marriage. What I do know is that I have a husband who is considerate of my feelings, thinks of me before himself, keeps me laughing, and after fifty-three years still thinks I'm hot. That last one is very good for the ego even if it just may be a case of needing his prescription in his glasses changed. It is that kind of thing that makes me love him to this day. They say love is blind and I finally understand.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020


                                     GOD IS STILL IN CONTROL

After several years without posting anything, I find myself feeling the need to get my feelings on paper or in this case on a Blog Post. The last time I wrote we, Keith and I, were emerging from his cancer battle with good news, he was in remission. It has been 8 years and he remains in remission, we feel very blessed.

When things are going well I seem to write less, something I had not actually thought about until now. As I sit here, quarantined, I find myself needing to express my thoughts as a way of keeping my mind from dwelling on the craziness we are all experiencing.

First of all, I want to express my deepest, heartfelt gratitude to all of those waging war against this virus that is sweeping across the globe. To the doctors, nurses, medical assistants, healthcare workers of all kinds, those people who keep the hospitals functioning on every level, the police, firemen, truckers, restaurant workers, grocery store workers, suppliers of medical devices, factory workers tasked with retooling to make masks and ventilators, to every person who is on the front lines of this battle and cannot stay home safe from this devastating illness, THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart. Without you where would we be? I shudder to think of the possibilities.

Second, to those out there buying up all the masks and gloves, PLEASE STOP! The people risking their lives for you and me need them to keep them safe while they fight this battle. Will you continue to stockpile them and run the risk of severe shortages in hospitals where you may end up? Think about that! Suppose you or someone you love ends up hospitalized and in dire need of treatment. How will you feel when what is already a risk-laden virus becomes even more so when those trying to help you have no form of protection? Will they stop going to work because they now fear beyond reason what could happen to them? Seriously, people, they need masks and gloves much more than you. Just STAY HOME.
You and I get to stay home safe in its confines, I consider this, as frustrating as it may be, a luxury. Those on the front lines are indispensable, they have no such luxury and I for one am blown away by their selfless efforts during this harrowing time. Thank you seems almost embarrassingly insignificant considering that to which these people are being subjected. So, come on everyone let us show them how much we truly appreciate their efforts to save their fellow man.

 Lastly, as my parents used to say, this too shall pass. The world will have changed but we will find a way forward, we always do. God has not deserted us even if you think it feels that way. He may be trying to get our attention and let's be honest, can you blame Him? We have eliminated Him from America in places He was once welcomed. Many of you do not believe in Him and though that is your right I have to say my heart breaks for you. You are truly missing out on the greatest experience you would ever encounter. In closing, I will just say, that I hope if we have learned anything from this difficult time it is this, that life is fragile, it is unpredictable, and sometimes all too short. So, say I love you often, hug your family, be kind, and most of all forgive each other because if you do not regret will be your lifelong companion.