January 17, 2012
Off to the WCI for a blood test and oncologist appointment. Keith appears to be doing very well so I am curious to see what his blood stats will show today.
He has been spending more time in his office over the last week and that is a very good sign.
I shall return!
January 18, 2012
I'm baaack!
Keith's blood work was great. We are both happy about that and feeling very positive about this battle. His third round of chemo is coming up Monday and it is not quite so scary, for me, this time. We realize there could still be setbacks but, given how he has handled the first two treatments, we are hopeful that the rest will go as smoothly.
In my darkest moments I have felt the presence of God carrying us through this journey. It has changed us both, and will probably continue to do so, but I feel far less fearful than I did, initially. I'm not sure Keith was ever fearful, he didn't let on if he was, he tends not to share that kind of thing. I truly believe that God will bring us out of this victorious. GOD IS SO FAITHFUL!
Keith is chomping at the bit to get back to work and hopes to start the beginning of February. I pray he is able to because I think it will help us both to feel like life is returning to normal. Of course normal is relative in our house. What is normal for us might seem a little 'out there' for others...lol.
Maybe, we can even start to plan our Mediterranean cruise again. What a joyous vacation that will be when Keith is CURED. Life should be lived as if you only have today. Show love, kindness, gratitude, forgiveness and love. Yes I know I said love twice that's because it is the most important, without love the rest mean nothing.
Some of you have traveled this road before us and understand the angst that comes with the journey. However, every ending is different in it's own way, whether your loved one was cured or went home to be with the Lord, there were tears of joy or sorrow. My sister lost her husband to cancer a few years ago and has been very understanding and helpful to me. Those who have lost a child to this dreadful disease, my heart goes out to you above all, no one wants to bury their child. Those who have lost spouses, parents or siblings are stronger than many but regardless of the outcome I'm sure you were changed forever. God truly is the master planner and nothing goes unnoticed. He sees it all, knows your pain and gives the strength to continue the journey knowing that someday you will see your loved one again when you too arrive at your final destination. How blessed we are to be children of God.
I have seen such compassion and caring from all of the people who know about our circumstance and I am in awe of the love extended to us. There are far too many people who do not know the love and fellowship of children of God. It is a shame because until they come to know the Lord in a personal way they will never experience true, lasting joy. His love is there for everyone but they need to seek Him, it is that easy.
Matthew 6:33
But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.
Seek and You Will Find
People all through out the earth
wander aimlessly
Searching where they should not go,
ignoring HIStory
Looking for a way to fill
the void within their souls
but nothing ever seems to help them
fill the empty holes.
Headed down life’s road alone,
no purpose or direction
Hoping that around the bend
awaits for them perfection
The perfect mate, the perfect house,
the perfect job and more
not knowing that perfection
has been knocking on their door
Material possessions
will not fill their emptiness
Nor will the load of things they own
bring them peace or rest.
Destruction, shame and misery
await them on their course
For there is nothing they can do
It is then when they repent
of all the sin they bear
That Jesus Christ will come to them
and lift their load of care
No longer plagued by emptiness
their searching days will end
When hearts that once were empty
on Christ learn to depend
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